Friday, May 3, 2013

The Senate on Wednesday rejected a bipartisan plan to expand background checks for gun buyers, dealing a crippling blow to President Barack Obama's campaign to curb gun violence after the Newtown school massacre.Despite emotional pleas from families of victims of the Newtown, Connecticut, shootings and broad public support nationwide, the plan to extend background checks to online and gun-show sales failed on a 54-46 vote, six short of the 60-vote hurdle needed to clear the Senate."All in all, this was a pretty shameful day for Washington," an angry Obama said of the vote, adding the effort "is not over." Political momentum for new gun-control laws had dissipated after December's shooting. Opponents criticized the proposals as government overreach that would infringe on the constitutional right to bear arms, and the NRA mounted a strong lobbying effort against it. 

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Blog Response Questions

1. My group and I experienced the project feeling very accomplished and more resourceful. As we are completing the project we feel like we have researched more into our topic gun control and have become more knowledgeable from our research for our blog. We all jumped right into the blog, but sometimes I felt that I (Kennedy) had difficulty getting into the blog only because my partners had better knowledge of gun control than I did.

2. Overall, I believe our group was happy with our topic of gun control and gun rights. Our topic was a hot topic of debate in the news just about the entire time we blogged, so we had a lot of information.

3. The most intriguing aspect of our topic we talked about was all of the information we got from Congress' debate and all of the opinion's of the people of the USA. This is the case because we had plenty of sources to go off of and a ton of media coverage over the gun control debate.

4. A central idea of our blog is to get stories out so people can form an opinion about gun control and gun rights. The theme of our blog is gun control and gun rights, more recently all of the shootings.

5. We have learned from this project that to get things done, we need to divide the work to get more done. Also we learned to work ahead so we do not have to worry about getting our blog in on time.

6. The most enjoyable part of this project was to everyone's personal opinion about our topic. We were all honest about what we thought about gun control and gun rights. We never argued over our opinions because we all respected our partner's personal thoughts.

7. The most difficult part of this project was finding appropriate videos and pictures. This was the most difficult because we wanted to respect everyone's view and did not want to offend anyone.