Thursday, April 18, 2013

Agree or disagree?

       As of yesterday, April 17, 2013, the Senate decided that they were refusing tighter background checks those who buy firearms and also they are not going to ban assault weapons, despite the efforts put forth by the families of those who were affected by the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary. Another proposal to loosen restrictions on concealed weapons carried across state lines also was not accepted. The biggest concern was that of the background checks because the people think that having tighter background checks for those who buy firearms will stop gun violence when in reality that is not necessarily true because those regulations would only fall in effect for those who buy firearms from only federally licensed dealers, and those potential assailants ever rarely buy from licensed dealers, so in order for that to remotely work, those regulations would have to extend out to those buying firearms on the Internet and even those buying guns at gun shows. I personally think that those regulations should be placed on background checks because I think that would cut down significantly on people buying guns that shouldn't be. Every person is entitled to their right of wanting to protect themselves and I think only those who are mentally and emotionally balanced and capable of owning a gun should. Below is the article that discussions all of the voting issues that occurred during this proposal and all of the arguments set forth by the senate and the citizens. 

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