Saturday, April 6, 2013

Media hides the truth

There are horrible stories floating around the media about guns for example the Georgia baby killer. A 17 year old boy and his partner just the age of 14 were arrested for shooting a 13 month baby in the face with a hand gun. The reason you may ask was for just some money, yes the only motive was to get some pocket change from the mother. Unfortunately she had nothing on her so the boy named De'Marquise Elkins turned the gun on the baby and shot him in the face after already shooting the mother in the left leg. Now the media is trying to connivence everyone that if guns were outlawed that this would of never happened. That statement alone is false; the boy is 17 so he already proses a gun illegally so outlawing guns won't stop criminals from buying them. It would only help them know that innocent  people have nothing to protect themselves with. The media only shows the bad and shocking stories of how guns are bad but under the cover we find double the stories that counteract that. There are more stories of guns saving lives then destroying them. For example there was a man in Rockwall Texas who saved a women from her angry ex boyfriend from being shot down. The reason was that the man who saved her was carrying a concealed weapon which he used to stop the ex boyfriend in his tracks. Another story was the Oregon Gun Owner Stops Clackamas Shooting Spree, Proving Guns Save Lives. The media only showed the bad of this story and have no credit to 22-year-old Nick Meli who stopped the murder from killing 29 people. If Nick Meli didn't have a concealed  hand gun then those 29 lives in clouding  himself would have been dead. So remember guns don't kill people, people kill people. And you can't always believe the media for they hide the  positive and flaunt the evil in the world, but don't get me wrong the media is very important to the world but they just need to focus more on the truth instead of viewer ranks. 
Anna Dignam 

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