Thursday, March 7, 2013

Brianna Nunez
Many say that guns are the main reason for all the violence in the United States. But in reality it is not the gun's fault it is the person in control of it that make the violence in the United States or any where else. Just like all the school shootings the security guards did not have fire arms to protect everyone inside. With the security having a weapon to protect the children inside the school there would not be as many school shootings or maybe there would not be as many deaths related to gun violence. If there is a bad guy with a gun there should be a good guy with one to stop any violence from happening. On the other hand everyone should have some kind of fire arm to protect themselves from any harm they may feel from others. If the government took away our right to have fire arms in our possession they are going against the Second Amendment which would be unconstitutional. The only way that the government can know that the fire arms are going in the right hands if they do many test to see the persons mental stability in handling the weapon. With these test they can make sure that there will not be anything that will send the person off the edge and make them harm an innocent person. In the end, guns and other fire arms are here to protect us and not harm us, but put in the wrong hands they can do a lot of damage.

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