Friday, March 22, 2013

Kennnedy: Common Sense

            According to this article from CNN, lawmakers are figuring out how to make more controlled gun laws that are more common sense to people. All of this was brought about from the massacre of Newton Connecticut where 20 children and 6 adults were all shot. I agree with this article because making a common sense law will help less informed people understand. Another point in this article is that no high powered guns will be sold, only used in the military. I agree with this point because the average person does not need to have a high powered gun in their possession.
            "There is no question that if this becomes law, it will keep guns out of the hands of people who should not have them. It will reduce violent crime. It will save lives. We know that's true, because in states that already require background checks on private sales, the rate of women murdered by an intimate partner armed with a gun is 38% lower than in states that don't have such background checks." -Bloomberg 
               If people actually take the time to educate themselves about guns and understand they are dangerous and should only be used in times of great danger, then we would not have to be telling people how to control their guns. 

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