Sunday, March 3, 2013

Gun control is any law, policy, practice or proposal designed to restrict or limit the possession, production, importation, shipment, sale, and or use of guns or other firearms by private citizens among others. That said if gun control was established in America then it will go against the second amendment which is the right to bare arms. We as humans need the ability to protect our selfs from the government and others. If the gun control laws are passed then the government would have complete control over us. It would be the closets to dictatorship america can get. Politicians tell you we should band weapons But never give a valid reason why. Yes they say gun violence is up but the major shooting that happen in America are done by mentally unstable human beings. For example the shooting at Connecticut school, the shooter Adam Lanza was diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome, a disorder linked to autism whose sufferers struggle with social interaction.Adam Lanza caused so much concern because of his social awkwardness at high school that he was assigned a psychologist, according to a former school official. There are many more examples that support this. Politicians also say that by applying gun restriction laws that gun violence will drop drastically. Well Chicago is a prime example for why that statement is not true. Chicago has the most strict laws on guns, yet they have the highest death by gun rate in America! The reason to this is that criminals know that they can get their way, for there is no worries of a citizen carrying a concealed handgun. So this blog will focus on the news of gun control and keep up on the latest stories.

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