Friday, March 22, 2013

In Maryland, seven year old Josh Welch was suspended for two days for nibbling a pastry treat (Pop Tart) into a shape of a gun. He was accused of waving the pastry "gun" in the other children's faces. The day he Josh was suspended, Park Elementry sent home letters stating what had happened, saying he was making "inappropriate gestures disrupting the class". The parents and the attorney are arguing that the child was just using his imagination, they are also apply for an appeal. The Anne Arundel County recieved the appeal, they were not able to comment on it, but they what they were able to mention was that they review the appeal and then meet we the parents and discuss on what can be done. The attorney, Robin Ficker, says that the school over exagerated the matter at hand. Ficker also mentioned that some puzzels also look like guns such as Idaho, Oklahoma, and Florida. There were no reports that the other children in the class felt threaten. This was the fourth case Ficker had to handle that involved a child being suspended for being accused for making a referance to a weapon when the weapon did not exist. People now a days do over exaggerate athe severity of guns. As where they are dangerous its the person who is in possession of it, is the one who makes it dangerous.

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