Thursday, March 7, 2013

Guns don't kill people, people kill people.

In this article from the Business Insider, it states several reasons why the public should not accept gun control policies and laws. 

      One of the points this article makes about control is that, not only is owning a gun protected by 
the Constitution but also reflects the spirit of the Revolution. Meaning that when it took place the 
Founding Fathers were scared that tyranny would reassertion itself in our country so they created a 
democracy and framed it as a constitutional republic bound by limits. They created the Second 
Amendment to help ensure that people had means of their own physical defense. People can protect themselves from any type of horror or terror that they encounter because as humans we have the right to protect ourself, our families, and our property. But one of the main points that the government seems to be leaning on about their reasons for gun control is that if they were to increase gun control that gun crimes and fatalities would decrease tremendously, but what they need to realize is that it is not true. What does need to be done about the people that buy guns is to have them undergo a full background check and even a psychological test because the main reason people are shooting others, in either schools or on the streets is because they are not mentally stable. The government should not allow people who have potential physiological disorders to purchase weapons. Guns don't kill people, people kill people. 

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